The ultimate fattening factor - Stress
You can gain weight by exposing yourself to a stressful situation, or by working, studying or living in a stressful environment. As shocking as it sounds, this is a certain fact. I’m sorry to shatter your illusion, but you aren’t going to lose any weight by pushing yourself to the limit and letting the stress to take over your life.
Beside the fact that stress is ruining your social life by making you gloomy and tempestuous, and that is interfering with your thinking capacity, unfortunately, the stress is also messing with your body like an one-eyed painter.
It has been proven by a series of lab research that a stressful situation triggers the release of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. This hormone can slow the metabolism, causing you to gain more weight than you would normally do. It will also mess with your current diet, if you are trying to lose weight.
Prolonged stress affects your blood sugar level, causing fatigue or even hyperglycemia. On a long term bases, it can cause heart diseases or diabetes. It also affects the location of the fat storage, because if you are a stressed person, you will surely start to develop a fluffy tummy, and beside the unaesthetic look, it can also cause serious sanity problems.

Another problem of the stress eating is the fact that you eat even though you are not really hungry, just to compensate other things that you should to, like taking a walk in a park, or going to swim, because you get stressed at work, and you can’t run away from there to the park, so, you reach for a cookie, or a box of cookies, depending of the gravity of the situation.
The quality of the food is actually related to an old modern people problem – fast-foods. Most of the people are too stressed and busy to choose a healthy dinner in their family, then they refuge themselves in a shack with a big sign that says McD’s, to eat a big bowl of grease and drink a 3.5 pH coke. Then they will wine all night of stomach aches.
The last but not least of the problems is the lack of exercise, because many people state that they are too busy to work out, they work from 9 to 5 and spend another one or two hours on the way to and from work, so, by the time they get home, they are too exhausted.
In conclusion, if you are living a stressful life, and you are too busy (in translation too lazy), you will develop an oversized tummy (like me).
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Did you encounter stress as a fattering factor ? Tell us your story, and ask us questions, so we can clear things that you are not clear with !
Written by: Liviu Moldovan
I truly believe what you, my sweet dear :D, have written in this post because I have a close friend to whom the doctor said that she is getting weight because of the stress. Lucky me...(or not, because I'm slim) because sometimes I do let stress to intermingle with my life and if this had impact upon me by gaining pounds I should be a real fat girl :P
So, people...take this seriously and do not get stressed anymore, not even if you have the guarantee that you can not put on weight (like me :)))
Very very useful ideas spotted well in such a short time! ;)
Thank you very much for your appreciation. I hope I will manage to write other articles that will help people improve their way of life. Feel free to comment whenever you desire.
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