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Friday, February 13, 2009

Do you feel sleepy?

Sleep, time, scientists, The American Sleep Medicine Foundation, researches, sleep length, data storage, experiments, nowadays, body, liviu moldovan,  brain,  helath, insomnia,  life,  science

Every person needs to sleep in average 8 hours every day to ensure itself a full capacity functioning of its body. Have you ever wondered if this is the best way to spend a third of your life, or it is just a waste of precious time? Is it really needed to sleep so much, or so less, if you are a sleepy person? Why is the sleep such an important aspect of our life?

These are common question that we all have asked ourselves at least a few times in our life, especially when we were affected by the lack of sleep or by the abundance of it.

Regular people aren’t so preoccupied by the sleep’s interference in our life but they are many scientists that had tried to find an answer for these question and they are trying even nowadays.

The scientists have studied every aspect of the sleep and there even have been created organization like The American Sleep Medicine Foundation (ASMF) that offers the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Physician Sleep Scientist Training Awards to stimulate researches in this domain. So you could say that sleep costs a lot of money.

I think at this point you are asking yourselves how important sleep is as a part of a human being life. The scientist had provided us this answer, after making a series of experiments.

Quantitative research, the study groups have shown the same things: subjects who slept eight hours a night have given yield, both physically and intellectually, very good, however, if those who slept only five hours, the ability data storage has fallen significantly after only one week of deprivation of sleep, as psychological tone and physical skills.

If you want to avoid this sort of problems you should know at least the recommended average sleep length depending on age:
  • New-born 20 hours / day
  • under 1 year: 14 hours / day
  • Children under 6 years: 12 hours / day
  • Child and adolescent (up to 18 years): 10 hours / day
  • Young adult (18-24/25 years): 9 hours / day
  • Adults 25-35 years: 8 hours / day
  • Adults 35-45 years: 7 hours / day
  • Adults 45 - 60 years: 8 hours / day
  • Adults> 60 years: 9 hours / day, increasing to 1h/day every 5-10 years

It is your choice, you can apply this recommendations or you can sleep as much as you feel like, the important thing is to keep your body and mind prepared to face the daily issues.

Or should we go to sleep again?

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Written by: Liviu Moldovan



Hi Alexandru!

This is a wonderful topic to be writing about. People today just do not get enough sleep.

At first it is because they are so "busy" and then they fall into a trap that being busy caused them to feel tired, but their cycle is thrown off and then they can't sleep when they wish they could.

From a medical perspective it is not really an option as to how much we sleep that is if we care about our health. If we want excellent health we must as you say put in a minimum of 8 hours. It is during this time that our body does most of the repair it needs. so no repair = a body that gets sick easier and feels worse more often.

Alex Hash

@ EVITA - This is a vicious circle, when people believe that they are tired from too much work, and not considering the time they spend sleeping.

Sleep is a very powerful process, where many toxines are taken care of, the body heals itself, and as you said it, it repairs iteself.

We are after all some great creatures, that can heal themselves very quickly from almost any disease. And we do this healing and repairing the best, while sleeping. If you don't acord the time your body and your mind needs to sleep, you will feel very often stressed, tired, irritated very often.

Mabe you are asking yourself if all this is true. It is very true. Don't try it on your body. Spend time sleeping, and take care of yourself.

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